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Aloïs Salmon

Senior Software Engineer

Aloïs Salmon is an engineer from Ecole Polytechnique, a top-ranked engineering school in France, and with a master degree in Renewable Energies from the European Renewable Energy Research Centers (EUREC) with specialization in Solar Thermal power at the Processes Materials and Solar Energy (PROMES) laboratory in the south of France. Aloïs´s background goes from the digitalization with IoT (Internet of Things) applications to the solar energy assessments for PV and CSP technologies. First, this knowledge has been applied in the electrical market sector where Aloïs did data analyses and automation related to electricity price, actual and projections. Then Aloïs moved to Fraunhofer Chile Research, Center for Solar Energy (CSET) first as a research engineer and became a PV system research group leader. In this position, he dealt with all related PV projects, from innovation to industry and client relations. He speaks fluent French, English and Spanish.