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Business & Strategy Consulting

We proudly advise a wide range of organizations, including energy utilities, oil & gas companies, equipment manufacturers, chemical companies, startups and large energy consumers, on strategic business decisions, using deep hydrogen industry expertise combined with highly qualified managerial competencies to deliver actionable and lasting results.

In addition, we support developing and implementing business strategies to realize the long-term impact of greenhouse gas emission reductions and sustainable industrial growth.

Do you want to know your market better and make the right strategic business decisions?

We collect external data of the market through several sources of information, primary and secondary. Once collected, we analyze this information in order to obtain relevant insights to guide your strategic business decisions.

The deliverables will help you to make wise decisions regarding competitor behaviors, products, consumer trends, and market opportunities.

Our service package includes four relevant topics aiming at developing a renewable H2 project or understanding the hydrogen market:

Regulation Assessment, which seeks to respond to the following questions: How is hydrogen regulated in my country? What are the existing regulatory gaps and which amendments are announced.

Stakeholder Mapping: Delivers an overview of the key market actors and their activities as well as information about possible project partners and – technology providers.

Funding Opportunities: HINICIO supports in identifying suitable funding instruments for your H2 project as well as applying to them, answering the key questions: what national and international funding support schemes exist, which are eligible for a specific H2 project, and how to apply?

Project Mapping: We deliver executive market overviews, facilitating the understanding of the Chilean Energy – and Hydrogen Market and both public as well as private initiatives being developed.

What business the corporation should be in based to its capability system and how the corporate office should manage the resource allocation between the array of existing and new business units? How to create a coherent competitive strategy in each of the business in which your company competes?

We help you to set out clear corporate strategies and focus on where your organization needs to compete. To gain competitive advantage over competitors in the industry, we define a competitive strategy, aimed at creating a defensive position within your industry.

As an example, we set out decarbonization strategies by identifying the best alternatives for decarbonization of production processes of different industries and analyzing those opportunities based on renewable hydrogen in terms of Investment (CAPEX, including TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) analyses), time-to-market and emission reduction potential, among others.

Do you want to make the right investment decision?

By conducting a Business Case Analysis (BCA), we analyze the most important criteria to assess your investment decision in terms of costs, risks, scope, and benefits.

With Financial Modeling, we provide a decision-making tool allowing to estimate the financial performance of your project or business by considering criteria such as growth and risk assumptions.

Do you want to enter a new market with a new/existing product, solution or service?

Driving a market intelligence exercise, we help you identify the potential target market conditions and define a business plan that outlines a market entry and go to market strategy, including the commercial and marketing plan (sales, pricing, product, channels, etc.)

Do you want to break down your long-term strategic plan into smaller and specific short-term objectives?

We help you to define a tactical plan that sets forth specific short-term actions and plans. Based on a market assessment and a right-to-win analysis, we outline roadmaps defining the desired outcome and the major steps/bets in the different time frames coherently required to reach it. As an example, HINICIO’s Business Unit Chile collaborated on the elaboration of the Regional Renewable Hydrogen Roadmap of the Magallanes Region in Patagonia, as well as within the Green H2 Roadmap for the Mining Industry of Chile and Peru.

Do you want to study specific processes and make them more efficient?

We conduct Value Chain Analysis to evaluate and optimize configurations at each stage of your project from R&D, production, distribution and end-use. We help you select the best vendors and identify opportunities for cost reductions and hence, increase profit margin.  The final result is a more competitive and efficient business.

Project Development Assistance

Hinicio is highly involved in national and international publicly funded sustainable energy projects. We collaborate in local and international projects in Europe, the Americas, Asia and the MENA region, and assist our clients in project building, coordination, communication, dissemination, training and workshops. We also work on corporate projects where our solid know-how in strategy, investment, evaluation, assessment and benchmarking ensure the project’s success.

Do you look for a scheduling method to develop and monitor the progression of your project?

We deliver your project schedule, highlighting the main stages and decision gates, the critical paths (defined by the permit schedule), and the expected commercial operation date.

Do you need an early-stage assessment of your project?

Through our pre-feasibility studies, we review all possible scenarios before discarding any options, identify alternatives, describe the recommended one that benefits business opportunities, and we achieve CAPEX class 4 study.

Do you need an in-depth assessment of your project?

Through our feasibility studies, we focus on the most appropriate solution advised in the pre-feasibility study, exhaustively describe the optimized project configuration, determine if the best business case is technically and economically feasible, and we achieve CAPEX class 3 study.

Do you want to accelerate your project development by making better engineering decisions?

We provide a systematic methodology to structure your project based on its architecture decomposition and design of its functional, logical and physical architecture. At every stage, our methodology helps to keep the balance between Stakeholders, Project Management and Engineering. As part of this service, we model system capacities, deliver sensitivity analyses and timeseries with hourly production profiles, facilitating project-related decision-making.

Do you need a geospatial analysis-based site assessment?

We collect relevant datasets for land assessment and define exclusion criteria by country. We assess land resources (solar and wind) and model production costs. Finally, we categorize feasible land areas and high potential zones.

Duality of hydrogen regulation, REDII eligibility criteria, local certification of renewable energy, green labels? Do you need to understand the relevant eligibility criteria for your sustainable (energy) project?

We explain how certification of renewable H2 can work in different market contexts, which certification schemes exist and which sustainability criteria need to be considered in certain (export) markets, outlining their possible impact and implications for your H2/PtX project design.

Do you need to know what are the risks associated to your projects?

We identify and assess project-related risks and elaborate mitigation plans for risks that may impact a GO/NO GO decision. The risks consider those related to project development (engineering, construction, procurement), operational risks (human resources, operations) of a project as well as transversal risks related to politics and governance, health & safety, regulation and permitting, environment, social and community-related risks.

Do you need to identify funding instruments for your hydrogen project?

HINICIO supports in identifying suitable funding instruments for your H2 project as well as applying to them, answering the key questions: what national and international funding support schemes exist, which are eligible for a specific H2 project, and how to apply.

Investment Advisory

With total independence and objectivity, we proudly advise and support our clients throughout the investment process in M&A transactions and for project financing with a dedicated suite of buy-side and sell-side services specifically aimed for private equity investors, infrastructure funds, corporate funds, VCs or development banks targeting the hydrogen ecosystem.

Do you want to develop an investment strategy aligned with your strategic objectives?

We assist our clients in crafting and implementing their acquisition and investment strategy in order to accelerate their market expansion in a highly competitive and rapidly changing environment.

Do you need to identify the right acquisition targets?

We help you pinpoint and shortlist the highest potential investment targets (companies and/or projects) according to your own investment criteria. We can also support you further down in scouting and by facilitating early discussions and direct negotiations with the identified targets.

Do you want to evaluate a company’s or project’s strategic positioning?

We analyze the strategic positioning of a company or a project in the global value chain, its relative strengths and weaknesses versus the competitive landscape as well as the complementarities that may exist with your own asset base.

Do you need a full technical review of a project or technology?

In the context of M&A transactions, we can provide a 360° assessment of the technological assets and product-market fit of a particular company. For projects, we can provide an in-depth review of the technical design, the sizing, technology choices, costs (DEVEX, CAPEX, OPEX…), permitting, phasing strategy, etc.

Do you want to evaluate the market potential of a particular company or project?

We will challenge the topline assumptions based on our in-depth understanding of the market dynamics. We can also provide a comprehensive and fact-based review of the company’s or project business plan.

Policy and Regulation

Hinicio’s policy experts will help you understand the upcoming policy and regulatory challenges and their impact on your business. We advise leading companies facing challenges to operate in constantly changing regulatory, legislative frameworks and policymakers looking to combat climate change at the lowest cost-effectively.

Do you want to know what regulatory frameworks apply to your business?

We analyze the regulations and legal constraints related to your activities and assess the impact on your business (cases).

Do you want to take advantage of public incentives?

Applying for subsidies is demanding. If you’re looking to finance your growth or innovate, we help you find the right incentives and develop your application.

Do you want to assess the socio-economic impacts of new policies or investments?

We measure and value for all stakeholders the economic, social, environmental, and financial costs and benefits of a project or public policy over its lifetime.

Do you want to evaluate if your policies and regulations are relevant?

Ex-ante impact assessment is a tool and process to assess the future effects of policy proposals. Ex-post impact assessment is a tool to evaluate if the policies function well in practice and how they can be improved.

Digital Solutions

We empower PtX project developers with advanced digital tools and expert support to optimize system design and decision-making. Our modeling software and tailored services enable teams to handle workflows independently, while our techno-economic datasets fill critical data gaps on capex, opex, and infrastructure. With dynamic reports offering live data and interactive visualizations, we ensure efficient collaboration and faster, informed decisions. Our goal is to empower your team to confidently drive PtX projects forward. 

What is ANDREA?

ANDREA is an Advanced Modeling Software for PtX System Design Optimization. It includes a highly flexible framework, from pilot projects to giga-watt sized hubs, and considers all major vectors: electricity, hydrogen, ammonia, methanol, SAF. Through ANDREA is possible to obtain detailled equipment specifications such as degradation, technical minimuns , part load efficiencies, etc.

Do you need support building Power-to-X Systems modeling capabilities?

We provide a range of support services designed to build Project Develoment team capabilities to drive PtX Systems modeling workflow independently including: resolving technical concept design questions, results interpretation, understanding of critical design factors and conduct sensitivity analysis. Our services range from light touch (e.g., results validation) to more indepth capability building efforts (e.g., co-development of a PtX optimized system design with Project Development team) but are driven by the objective of leaving your team with the tools and capabilities to operate independently.

Are you looking to fill data gaps for PtX Systems modeling?

We provide techno-economic datasets which leverage our deep industry expertise and include: capex and opex ranges for major equipments at different scaling factors, technical specifications for critical hydrogen production equipment (e.g., electrolyzers); infrastructure availability data (e.g., port infrastructure, shipping capacities and routes).

Are you looking for better ways to visualize and share PtX System results?

We provide dynamic web reports which feature live data feeds, interactive visualizations and customizable interfaces which enable clients to explore various scenarios, collaborate more effectively across teams and make more informed decisions swifty and securely. 


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