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Hydrogen Index for Latin
America & the Caribbean

Drawing on extensive polling and research by Hinicio and New Energy, the H2LAC Index serves as a comprehensive tool for tracking the progress of the renewable and low-emission hydrogen economy across Latin America and the Caribbean.

Objectives of the H2LAC Index:

Establish a set of clear, consistent, and quantifiable metrics to evaluate the evolving hydrogen market in Latin America and the Caribbean

Identify and annually rank countries within the region based on their advancement in hydrogen development. This ranking considers each country’s growth potential, challenges, and opportunities

Provide valuable data to drive constructive dialogue on hydrogen at both national and regional levels. This information aims to stimulate action from public and private entities to accelerate hydrogen adoption

Identify and recommend best practices for hydrogen development throughout Latin America and the Caribbean


Establish a set of clear, consistent, and quantifiable metrics to evaluate the evolving hydrogen market in Latin America and the Caribbean


Identify and annually rank countries within the region based on their advancement in hydrogen development. This ranking considers each country’s growth potential, challenges, and opportunities


Provide valuable data to drive constructive dialogue on hydrogen at both national and regional levels. This information aims to stimulate action from public and private entities to accelerate hydrogen adoption


Identify and recommend best practices for hydrogen development throughout Latin America and the Caribbean

Ranking 2024

Objectives of the H2LAC Index:

National policies, incentives,
and regulations

Examines national hydrogen frameworks, incentives, and integration into development plans. 

Development of the H2 ecosystem
at the national level

Assesses hydrogen production methods, potential, R&D funding, industry associations, and relevant events.

Projects in operation or
under development

Evaluates the number of operational and developing renewable hydrogen projects.

Sectors and application of H2 at
the national level

Analyzes domestic demand for renewable/low-carbon hydrogen across transport, energy storage, industry, and export generation.

International cooperation and
H2 export planning

Considers a country’s hydrogen trade agreements and aspirations as a regional/global export hub.

Discover the entire H2LAC Index platform and get insights for each country in the region

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