Francine Uwineza
Administrative Officer Francine Uwineza holds a Master’s degree in Translation with a major in the language industry, specializing in English and Spanish. Over the course of her career, she has taken on diverse roles, primarily in office management, while expanding into areas such as sales, accounting, and HR, showcasing her adaptability and versatility. Fluent in […]
Manon Da Nascimento
Analyst Manon is an engineer specializing in new energy systems and markets from Grenoble INP Ense3, with a Master’s in Management and Business Administration from Grenoble INP IAE. Before joining Hinicio, she worked for a year and a half in Paris as a project engineer at a consulting firm. During this time, Manon gained expertise […]
Yerko Salas
Analyst Yerko is a Chemical Civil Engineer from Universidad de Concepción, Chile. He developed his thesis in collaboration with Hinicio, focusing on the “Design and techno-economic evaluation of a common user infrastructure (CUI) to facilitate the production of renewable ammonia for export purposes in Antofagasta.” After completing his thesis and graduating at the top of […]
Nelson G. Vasquez
Business Development Lead North America Chemical Engineer with a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Business Administration (MBA) from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY), Nelson possesses extensive experience in fossil and transition fuels, project development, energy storage, and ESG assessments. He has worked across various regions, including the US, the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, […]