Argentina launches 1.2 GW renewable tender

As part of the RenovAr program, Argentina has launched a new renewable energy tender for a supply of 1200 MW of renewable energy capacity with technical and economical offers due to October 19, while the signing of PPAs is scheduled for November 29. In the tender RenovAr Ronda 2 announced in a resolution of the […]
Harnessing marine resources for clean and secure islands

Hinicio published in the international sustainability magazine Revolve the feature article ‘Harnessing marine resources for clean and secure islands’. As a knowledge partner of Revolve Media’s 5th Visualizing Energy Campaign during the EUSEW 2017 (European Sustainable Energy Week), Hinicio contributed with its expertise in marine energies and shared insights into marine energies such as Ocean […]
Power-to-Hydrogen is bankable today and key to the energy transition

By 2025, an estimated cumulative electrolyser capacity of 2.8 GW could be installed in Europe based on sound economics, representing a market value of €4.2 bn. These are the key conclusions of a ground-breaking study ‘Early business cases for Hydrogen in Energy Storage and more broadly Power-to-Hydrogen Applications’ published by TRACTEBEL ENGIE and HINICIO and […]
10 years Hinicio strategy consulting specialized in sustainable energy and mobility

This year, Hinicio, strategy consultancy specialized in sustainable energy and mobility, celebrates its 10 years anniversary . For this very special occasion, Hinicio’s customers, partners, shareholders and the whole Hinico team came together from all over Europe and Latin America on 6th July in Chateau Ruisbroek, Brussels to discuss the past and future 10 years […]