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Argentina launches 1.2 GW renewable tender

As part of the RenovAr program, Argentina has launched a new renewable energy tender for a supply of 1200 MW of renewable energy capacity with technical and economical offers due to October 19, while the signing of PPAs is scheduled for November 29.

In the tender RenovAr Ronda 2 announced in a resolution of the Official Gazette, authorities are awarding 550 MW wind, 450 MW solar, 100 MW biomass, 50 MW small hydropower, 35 MW biogas and 15 biogas from landfills. Argentina has set a price cap of US$56.25/MW for wind, solar at US $57.04/MWh, US $110/MWh for biomass, small hydro US $105/MWh, biogas US $160/MWh and biogas from landfills at US$130/MWh. This tender follows the RenovAr Ronda 1 and Ronda 1.5 auctions that awarded 2.4GW of renewable energy project in 2016.

Winners will have access to the Fund for the Development of Renewable Energies (FODER) national renewable energy trust, to which the World Bank committed US$480 million last week. The RenovAr program supports Argentina’s development of renewables and reaching the target 20% renewables by 2025.

Please find here the resolution and terms for the tender including the required bid bonds and geographic distribution of the potentially awarded projects.

Does this opportunity sound interesting to you? We at Hinicio can support you in the application for RenovAr 2. Please find here more information and contact Patrick Maio, CEO via mail or ☎ +54(0)911.

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