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Nuria Hartmann


Nuria is Manager at Hinicio’s Business Unit Chile since February 2021 where she is mainly leading hydrogen-related projects within Hinicio’s service line Business and Strategy Consulting, including hydrogen roadmaps, market studies, and topics related to renewable hydrogen certification. She is also in charge of the company’s Business Development in LAC, mainly in Chile and Brazil.

Nuria studied Macroeconomics with the specialization of Energy Economics and Regional Studies of Latin America at the University of Cologne, Germany. Since 2013, Nuria is based in Santiago de Chile, where she has worked as a consultant in energy and sustainability for both the public and private sector.
As a Senior Consultant at PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Chile, Nuria realized diverse projects related to Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency, especially for Mining companies. From 2018-2021, Nuria was working as an independent consultant for public and private clients in Chile, Brazil and South Africa, and she participated in the Proposal for a National Green Hydrogen Strategy for the Energy Ministry of Chile.
Nuria is (co-) author of different publications related to renewable energies, public transport in Chile, smart city solutions, EU ETS and green infrastructure.