eSAF Project in India
Hinicio conducted a prefeasibility study for a GW-scale Power-to-SAF project.
Power-to-MeOH Systems Engineering India
Hinicio developed a project conceptualization for a 100 kt/y renewable methanol plant aimed at export markets.
Augmented Consulting Through ANDREA in India and Australia
Hinicio provided a license for its advanced in-house optimization tool, enabling the client to perform their own optimizations with Hinicio’s support. The service was aimed at analyzing and designing hydrogen and derivatives projects (such as ammonia and methanol) for a clean energy solutions company.
RED II Compliance Pre-Certification in United Arab Emirates
Hinicio supported the preparation for a RED II RFNBO pre-certification against the CertifHy Voluntary Scheme requirements for a renewable ammonia production plant in the Middle East for export to Europe.