REPowerEU and RFNBOs Delegated Acts, two documents for kickstarting the rise of hydrogen and its derivatives in the coming decade.

In May, the EU Commission presented two long-awaited documents: the “REPowerEU” plan aims to rapidly reduce the EU dependency on imported fossil fuels from Russia and accelerate the energy transition the Renewable Energy Directive Delegated Acts sets out the framework for the production of renewable hydrogen and derived fuels (RFNBOs) Both publications are amending major […]
Our insights about how to leverage the new “FitFor55” package by the European Commission

The European Commission published last week the “FitFor55” package, which should allow the EU to decarbonize by 55% by 2030 as compared to 1990. To achieve this, Fitfor55 is reviewing almost all legislation they have at their disposal, therefore fundamentally changing the way businesses will operate. It took us more than a week to go […]