Call for hydrogen projects in Wallonia

Are you based in Wallonia and you intend to set up a hydrogen project? In this case, the Competition for the Development of H2 Projects in Wallonia is for you! Successful submitted projects have the opportunity to get personalized assistance from a consultancy of your choice for up to €10.000. Organized by Cluster TWEED as […]
Designing the first EU-wide Green Hydrogen Guarantee of Origin for a new hydrogen market

The CertifHy Project successfully launched its Stakeholder Platform with over 100 members from industry, policy makers, standardization and issuing bodies, associations, SMEs, research and academia on Monday 20th November in Brussels. This Stakeholder Platform will contribute to design the 1st EU-wide Green Hydrogen Guarantee of Origin (GO) system that will contribute to creating a new […]
Successful Argentina’s RenovAr Ronda-2 tender program attracts 228 renewable energy project proposals adding up to 9.4 GW!

As expected, the number greatly exceeded the 1,200 MW quota that the Government is bidding on through the Round 2.0 RenvoAr Program. The government is exultant about 228 presented proposals for renewable energy project for 9,403 MW. Except for small hydropower projects, the rest vastly exceeded the sector’s expectations. Wind and solar PV projects represent […]
Designing the first EU-wide Green Hydrogen Guarantee of Origin for a new hydrogen market

Taking Europe-wide green and low carbon hydrogen Guarantees of Origin (GO) to the next level: from concept to implementation. This is the objective of the CertifHy study undertaken by a consortium led by HINICIO, composed of ECN, GREXEL, Lüdwig Bölkow System Technik (LBST), and TÜV SÜD and financed by the FCH 2 JU. The project’s […]