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Designing the first EU-wide Green Hydrogen Guarantee of Origin for a new hydrogen market

The CertifHy Project successfully launched its Stakeholder Platform with over 100 members from industry, policy makers, standardization and issuing bodies, associations, SMEs, research and academia on Monday 20th November in Brussels. This Stakeholder Platform will contribute to design the 1st EU-wide Green Hydrogen Guarantee of Origin (GO) system that will contribute to creating a new and transparent hydrogen market allowing EU-wide transferability and consumption of Green Hydrogen with a business case.

Global demand for hydrogen is foreseen to reach 50 Million tons by 2025 mainly used in industry and transport. It is predicted to grow by 3,5% per year with a potential of 50-60% of all hydrogen for the growing market of transportation will originate from renewable or low-carbon sources by 2030. For creating market pull for Green Hydrogen a Guarantee of Origin scheme is essential to label the origin of a product and provides information to customers on the source of their products. ‘The aim is to have a self-sustaining scheme at the end of the project’, as Bart Biebuyck, Executive Director of the FCH 2 JU, stated during his opening speech at the 1st plenary session.

From concept to implementation

CertifHy’s aim is to define the scheme’s governance, as well as its processes and procedures over the entire GO life cycle: from auditing hydrogen production plants, certification of green or low carbon hydrogen production batches, through issuing, trading to “usage” of GOs. It is undertaken by a consortium led by HINICIO, composed of ECN, GREXEL, Ludwig Bölkow System Technik (LBST), and TÜV SÜD and financed by the FCH 2 JU. “Whereas the first phase of CertifHy built a solid foundation with 14 industries and already more than 500 followers; I am greatly satisfied we can take up the discussions for the roll out with more than 650 stakeholders therefore creating a de facto European harmonised system.”, states CertifHy’s project coordinator Wouter Vanhoudt.

The four pilot projects showcase different hydrogen production pathways and are testing the first GO scheme for Green Hydrogen at four hydrogen production plants located throughout Europe. The industrial gas company Air Liquide demonstrates a hydrogen production plant using steam methane reforming with CCS/CCU unit in France. The chemical company Akzo Nobel presents hydrogen production using a chlor alkali process in the Netherlands. As a retailer Colruyt demonstrates on-site hydrogen production for its fleet in Belgium and the German energy storage company Uniper shows hydrogen production from water electrolysis.

In order to develop the first EU-wide Green and Low Carbon Hydrogen scheme, the CertifHy stakeholder platform brings together all European stakeholders interested in green and low carbon hydrogen GOs. It is a forum of discussion on the issue of green hydrogen GOs and the channel to shape the ongoing CertifHy project.

For the next 18 months CertifHy is creating the path forward for a concrete and actionable GO scheme together with leading international companies and organizations and moving one step ahead to a new energy market.

For more information please visit and contact us via certifhy(at)

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