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Hinicio to run CertifHy Workshop

The European Project Consortium “CertifHy” led by HINICIO is currently developing the first EU-wide Guarantee of Origin (GO) scheme for green hydrogen. The objectives of this project are to define a widely acceptable definition of green hydrogen, design a robust GO scheme for green hydrogen and propose a roadmap to implement this GO scheme on a European level.

In the context of the European Sustainable Energy Week the CertifHy Consortium will present its project results and the proposed implementation road map in the workshop “Roadmap for the first European Guarantee of Origin scheme for Green Hydrogen” to be held in Brussels on 17 June 2016.

All specialists from energy, transport and environment sectors, in particular policy makers are cordially invited to participate free of charge. Please register by sending an e-mail to Magali.perrault[at] and visit for further information.
We are looking forward to discussing with you the Roadmap for the introduction of a GO scheme for green hydrogen.

When: 17th June 2016, 11am to 4.15pm

Where: Crowne Plaza Hotel, Le Palace, Rue Gineste 3, 1210 Bruxelles

Registration: Please send an e-mail to Magali.Perrault[at]

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